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System Solutions

Become a global leader in new functional coating materials

Interior coating for automotive interior parts, vacuum plating coating for automotive interior components.
Interior coating for automotive interior parts, vacuum plating coating for automotive interior components.
Interior coating for automotive interior parts, vacuum plating coating for automotive interior components.
  • Interior coating for automotive interior parts, vacuum plating coating for automotive interior components.
  • Interior coating for automotive interior parts, vacuum plating coating for automotive interior components.
  • Interior coating for automotive interior parts, vacuum plating coating for automotive interior components.

Interior coating for automotive interior parts, vacuum plating coating for automotive interior components.

Process: Solvent cleaning → Electrostatic dust removal → Spraying PU coating → IR leveling → IR curing → Spraying topcoat
Features: Used as PU primer, excellent adhesion performance with metal components such as water chrome plating, aluminum, stainless steel, etc. PVD process, no environmental pollution. Simple process, good salt spray resistance, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, no cracking, strong weather resistance, impact resistance, can be designed in various colors, replacing traditional water plating, paired with PU topcoat or UV topcoat.

Category: Products

Keywords: Matsui

Product Parameters

Second Generation PVD

Process: primer → IR → color paint → IR → primer → IR → UV → laser engraving middle paint → IR → UV → middle paint → IR → top coat → IR → UV
Features: Used for the matching of primary and secondary laser engraving processes, with excellent boiling resistance and vibration wear resistance, good coverage on materials, and high yield.

Anker MagGo Apple Magnetic Wireless Power Bank with Stand

Process: Primer - IR - Topcoat - IR - Testing
Features: Non-slip, excellent wear resistance

Xiaomi Electric Toothbrush

Process: Primer-IR-Topcoat-IR-UV-Test
Features: Translucent, meets toothpaste-water mixing test, drop test, and other testing requirements

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